Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The (She)Wolf Talked Me Into It.


Some people have way too much time on their hands. Yup, these are solo dress cookies, handmade by an Irish dance mom. It's a really good idea, but I don't know many moms who actually have the time to do this with, you know, kids running around. Most moms barely have time to breathe, especially when they're running to Wal-Mart because their DD told them about the school bake sale today...10 minutes before it began.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Show The World You Love Irish Dance (for only $250!)

This dress is a steal for your love-struck Irish dancer. That being said, even bargainistas can run into some pretty weird-looking crap once in a while.

4-26-10: It's still for sale.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Saturday Afternoon Special: Screw Conformity.

Irish Goth Dance Dress

What to do when you're a goth in a sport dominated by girls in frilly, fluorescent pink $3000 dresses.


Take that, conformists!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Leaps and Bounds

I don't want to talk about the way-too-brightly colored dress, or the ginormous wig, or the obscene amount of red lipstick on this small child. I don't want to talk about any of that.

That's a pretty sweet leap there. You go, girl.

Purple. Butt. Bow.

I do not, for the life of me, get why people spend thousands of dollars of hard-earned American money on ugly dance dresses. Let's take this one in for a minute. Ahhhh....

Yes, that is a purple satin butt bow. On an Irish dance dress. And for the amount of money that was probably spent on it, it was more than likely worn in public multiple times.

I don't care how many championships you've won--if you are over the age of six, there's no excuse for going to a feis or a parade with a Barney-colored bow on your behind. Period, end of sentence.

Star Trek Solo Dress

When your 10-year-old is going through her Trekkie phase, what will her next solo look like? This pretty much describes it.